Hello, Anthony and Claudia. We're here today to talk about tax and reporting requirements for US persons living in China and Chinese people living in the US. There is a tax treaty between the US and China, and there is also something called universal tax jurisdiction. This is one of the trickiest things about the US tax system that catches a lot of people off guard. Even homegrown Americans don't understand that the IRS gets to tax your income no matter where it occurs in the world. So, income occurring in China, even if you've paid taxes on it in China or wherever your property is, will also be subject to taxes in the US. However, you are typically allowed to deduct any taxes you've already paid, so double taxation happens less frequently than you might think. Now, let's move on to the second issue. Your income is subject to taxation, but the way it's taxed when it's international or foreign, as the IRS calls it, is very complicated. Even though your Chinese income is not foreign to you if you were born in China, the rules are not very helpful and can be confusing. These worldwide rules were developed in 1960 to discourage Americans from investing overseas, but they currently punish people who were born overseas and came to America. We commonly see issues with reporting requirements for investments, especially for our Chinese clients. The reporting requirements can be quite burdensome, and many of our clients have not been doing everything correctly. One common issue is first-generation wealth, where individuals have had success in manufacturing textiles but lack proper advisors to guide them. Sometimes, they may feel uncomfortable admitting that they don't know something. We are very familiar with this situation, and there are valid reasons why even the most knowledgeable...
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Us china tax treaty Form: What You Should Know
Some treaty terms are: The US-China tax treaty gives Americans the opportunity to exclude income earned from paid employment with a foreign affiliate from their U.S. federal income tax. Students with non-US citizens studying in the U.S. will qualify. Explanation of Article 1 of the United States-China income tax treaty. The treaty provides for the exchange of information regarding the United States resident tax returns, including information on net earnings of foreign affiliates that are engaged in international trade and/or business. Article 21 of the United States-China income tax treaty states: Taxpayers residing in each other's jurisdictions must file their tax return and pay their respective tax on the same date and pay corresponding amounts of income tax to the other state. Article 29 of the United States-China tax treaty gives the US a right to require the reporting and payment of tax to the United States on the return of resident alien (and/or foreign affiliate) income, except in the case of non-residents' income earned from employment. Articles 22 and 23 of the United States-China income tax treaty provide that if the IRS determines you were a non-citizen who was not a qualified student and was not on an exchange program or in the United States solely for your education, the IRS will treat that income as taxable to you in your home jurisdiction, and you can claim a tax deduction for that income instead. U.S.-China Tax Treaty Explanation | New York Times China has said that it will offer reciprocal payments to foreigners studying in the US for their foreign schooling and will also pay out on an identical basis. US offers a potential cash windfall in exchange for Americans, a move that may raise the risk of some American students abandoning US higher education The United States and China have long engaged in negotiations on a so-called SALT deal that would eliminate the 14 billion or more the US collects annually from foreign companies. President-elect Donald Trump said that during the presidential campaign that he would try to make SALT a bigger issue on the trade policy front. But Trump has not outlined a specific plan, and it remains unclear whether the deal will get done by the time Trump takes office. If so, it could put the US at a negotiating disadvantage. The United States has a trade surplus with China of about 145 billion, according to the US Department of Commerce. China, under President Xi Jinping, is the world's second-largest economy.
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